I won a prize!

So a bit ago I mentioned I entered my Stargate Cat beds into some Instructables Contests, namely the ThinkGeek Sci-fi contest, but also… I took a chance and entered them in the Sew Warm Instructable Contest as well.   The ThinkGeek contest is still ongoing, so there is still time for people to vote or enter in that one.  But it is my honor to say, I won a second place prize in the Sew Warm Contest!  Which means I  won one of these:

Singer Adjustable Dress Form

Singer Adjustable Dress Form

How awesome is that?!



The things I get talked into….

So… yesterday Ben points out to me the very cute Chewbacca that Wil Wheaton was reposting.  And I mentioned that I had seen it and it was actually a contest entry in the ThinkGeek /Instructables Sci Fi Contest. (Yes that is 3 links, but the last one there is the one you want for looking at entries)

So naturally… I let myself be talked into entering the Stargate Cat Bed.  (OK it didn’t take a LOT of convincing… just some encouragement)

Still maintaining wormhole stability!

So if you are also a bit of a fan of such things…hop on over to look at the entries, and put in a vote for your favorite, whichever one that may be… because there are some amazing things over there!

Second Most Comfortable Wormhole in the Caterverse! (And Directions)

So yes… two cats means two cat beds.  And never one to repeat myself  (I got bored on the second sock of my first pair of socks!) I decided to up the ante with an Atlantis version of the StarGate Cat bed.

Cats are so smart they can use both Milky Way and Pegasus Galaxy design gates to access the Caterverse!

While I got through the repetitive main gate stitching a bit faster, when it came to the glyphs… the stars were about seven levels of more painful.  I ended up hand stitching the majority of those tiny blue dots.  For reference, they were created using a paperhole punch and there are 114 of those things.

Gates to the Caterverse have been tested at various stages of construction. Conan is testing the Pegasus gate pre-chevrons.

This gate is a bit bigger than my original gate.  It has a total of 10 symbols.  Otherwise basic construction was the same.

SGC (StarGate Cat) technology is adaptable to multiple universe gates.

I am providing my instructions with patterns on how to make your own gate.  These are freely available for private use only.  If you use these directions, I’d love a photo!

    Stargate Cat Bed Directions (PDF)

Most Comfortable Wormhole in the known Cat-erverse

This is Conan:

FDR had Fireside chats.... we have Fireside cats.

Conan has a foam fetish…. as in we used to have two cat beds, much loved and well used, but Conan liked to pull all the foam out from the bottom.  So now we have strange misshapen lumps of former cat beds.

So I thought I’d see what kind of unusual geeky cat beds were out there in the world… and frankly the pickings were pretty slim.  There was one person with her Millenium Falcon pillow bed… and lots and lots of fish.  So with some thinking and pondering I finally hooked on one familiar circular shape…. a Stargate!  You know that movie with Kurt Russell and James Spader where they travel through a giant circular wormhole gate to another planet and defeat Ra, that spun off a TV series(SG1), and then another TV series(Atlantis), and another TV series(Universe).  THAT!

So with a lot of repetitive decorative stitching….. I now give you the Stargate Cat Bed:

Sonja was quick to test the gate out.

My gate has 9 symbols (including Earth, my birth sign, and Ben’s birth sign) and 3 chevrons.  The interior floor is done in a wormhole blue.  Most importantly though… the bottom foam is covered with canvas to keep out a certain foam fetishist.

Link:  Lots of additional photos of the gate in progress

Update:  Well it took a few days but Sonja finally considered sharing her Stargate Bed with Conan.

Sharing... but only until the Atlantis version is done!